VPN/Firewall on new system won't work

Windows 10 - I pay for premium service. Just installed Brave and when I attempt to activate VPN/Firewall, I enter enter my email. Then go to the email Brave sends and click on the activate button but that only takes me to a page that confirms I have already have subscription service and it is paid for. I really could use some help. Thanks

Type of device (Desktop, iPhone/iPad, Android phone, etc.):

Brave version:

Detailed description of the behavior:

When you login to account.brave.com on your Windows machine and click Refresh Firewall + VPN what exactly happens?

Since I am setting up a new system, I got the email verify on my phone email (the correct one) and when I clicked the link, it just took me to “account page” and there was no “refresh” tab. I just got my email on the new PC set up and it appeared there. I don’t do this often enough to remember this refresh thing was supposed to be there and whoever the developer is should look into why the refresh tab doesn’t show on an android once logged into my account. FIxed now. Thanks George

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