Description of the issue: How can this issue be reproduced?
Play video from YouTube or any other web player.
In normal screen mode, video plays without lag or frame dropping
When switching to full screen mode, video begins to lag and drop frames.
Expected result:
Video should play in full screen mode without lag or dropping frames. Other apps such as Amazon Prime and VLC, have no issue playing video in full screen mode.
Brave Version( check About Brave):
Current version
Additional Information:
Using Task Manager and Resource Monitor, there is not an indication of computer hardware limitation. The issue occurs at every video resolution. (typical resolution is 360p or 480p).
And, you might run some tests, by searching through the Brave Browser Settings, to find the switch that Enables / Disables Hardware Acceleration . . . and disable that.
This is Windows 10, most current version. Brave is also the most current version. Desktop computer that is fully updated and has separate video GPU card.
I have already tried the hardware acceleration options, in both Windows and Brave, and updated drivers. It makes no difference.
As noted, this does not appear to be a hardware issue, based on monitoring the CPU threads and other video players.
I have read online that Chromium based browsers in general have this issue. I’ve tried it in the Edge browser and the same thing happens.
Nothing is overloaded. The computer has just been rebuilt and as noted, there is no indication of resource shortage in the Windows Task Manager or in the Resource Monitor.
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