I have exactly the same issue as shown in the provided link and screenshot below and the following is my rant.
I do NOT need brave to hold my hand and stop me from downloading what I INTENTIONALLY choose to download. This behavior is incredibly frustrating for someone like me who downloads a lot of different programs and installers.
Brave needs to let us turn off this annoying feature or risk users, like me, finding a better browser that does not have this frustrating annoyance. This is useless and adds extra clicks, those extra clicks add up over time and become increasingly frustrating and annoying when I am working on something.
Brave please hear our voices and add the ability to disable this entirely!
Link:Disable the file download protection feature
The image below is of the settings page, where as you can see, even though it is set to “no protection” it still thinks it needs to block my downloads. Come on brave, why?