How do I disable blocking downloads?

Description of the issue:
Brave is blocking downloads with the message “Insecure download blocked” because they are coming from an HTTP site (ie - numerous of my internal network devices’ admin GUIs), and I have to click “Keep” to complete the download.

I have set “Safe Browsing” to “No protection”, and have set “Override download danger level” to “Enabled”.

What am I missing? Is there another flag somewhere to turn this off?


How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Connect to an internal device that has an HTTP admin interface
  2. Attempt to download a configuration file from device. These are usually binary type files.
  3. Download is blocked and I have to click “Keep” for the downloaded file to be put where I requested.

Expected result:
File downloads to the directory I specified, no further user interaction is required

Brave Version( check About Brave):
1.65.122 CHromium:124.0.6367.82 (Official Build) (64-bit)
(would be nice if we could copy and paste that from the About Brave box…)

Additional Information:

Just a shot in the dark here, but have you changed your Shields settings? May need to do so globally:


The settings there in global will be drop down like below:


I’m not sure what you have yours set to. I know mine is on Strict.

If you’re wanting to trust downloads from HTTP, you may need to set that to disabled.

On a per site basis, options are below:


If I remember correctly, having it on Standard (which is Upgrade connections to HTTPS) will give you the warning if it can’t upgrade. Most likely with it rerouting to download and all, Brave isn’t getting that upgrade to HTTPS and you then get the alert.

** EDIT **

I can’t remember if the downloads part is different than what I’m mentioning, hence why I said a short in the dark. In the meanwhile, I’ll tag in @mattches just to see if he can remind if there’s more to it or even if it’s one of the things that can’t be disabled.

Thanks man. I tried that just now, but no dice - it still shows that it’s blocked as insecure.

Maybe this is something coming down from Google? How much putzing around in the innards of Chromium do the Brave devs do? I ask because earlier this week we started having the same issue in Edge when users are downloading PDF files from our AS400, which only uses HTTP (for now…). The bad part there is it breaks the front end for some app we have that links all that stuff together. (OK, it’s the second-most bad part, the worst bad part is Edge continually resetting the file association so it is the viewer for PDFs every time it does any minor update).

My issue here in Brave is just an annoyance of a lazy admin.

Thanks again.

If you go to the individual site settings for that site:
and set ‘Insecure Content’ to ‘Allow’:

It’ll then change download behaviour from this:

to this (i.e. this is a fresh download after settings were changed and page reloaded. No need to ever click ‘keep’):

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Thanks. That does work. Is there any way to turn it on globally, or at least for an entire subnet?

@Darklurker I’m just glad learning, but I swear it’s silly how they have options divided up into so many smaller areas. But now that it’s been shown a bit of one way, I can answer more on your question about globally and all.

Globally = brave://settings/content/insecureContent

Per Site or so would = brave://settings/content/all where you’d go to each individual, where you can change it and that would be for that specific site/domain.


@Saoiray Ah, I didn’t know about those two sections. Thanks. I’ll play around and see what I can do in there.

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