As my brave publisher is fully verified but when user tries to send me the tip they see an unverified popup message for my channel (no blue tick) kindly developers pay attention to my issue and try to fix it
Did they tried to send tip from desktop or mobile? How long it’s been since you finish the verification process? Since it can take up to 1 week for your/their Brave to get the latest list.
Its been 2 months since i am fully verified and i got my first payment in this month but now they are unable to tip me i dont know whats the issue but try to fix it plz as soon as possible
Not answered @Hemant571
Also, is that YouTube channel? Twitch? Twitter account? Or else?
They use mobile for sending tip
Yeah thats my youtube channel account
I’m sorry for late response @Hemant571.
Did you see your channel here ? Did you have the latest Brave? Did you have a verified wallet (Uphold/Gemini) connected to your creator account?
Yes i have fulfilled all the condition for verification and now there is also a new problem arises of not getting ads from 1 month😥
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