Using Brave for downloading Torrents makes no sense and is insanely infuriating!!!

Please, for the love of God or anything, why does it make me wait x amount of time to “download” the torrent, but then it makes me click on EACH SEPERATE video to save?

I don’t understand this process at all, “save all files” just lags and doesn’t work, so how many extra clicks do you guys need to add to piss someone off?

Where the heck are the files at, why would I have to wait 30 minutes for everything to download, just to have to hit the save all button and watch it download again?

Does this sound dumb? Because it is! This doesn’t make any sense and it drove me off the wall so bad finally I had to come here and ask what the heck is going on??? Why is it designed this way??? Where the hell are the files oringinally downloaded to!!!

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Personally, I too have no idea how in-built torrents download work in brave. This torrent implementation is called ‘webtorrent’.

As far as I know, there is some stuff to do for the downloaded torrent in RAM to be saved to actual ROM.

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