Hey There,
I have a suggestion with URL Bar.
The Current URL Bar look a bit old.
Corners are not that rounded.
But it would be great to see it like Google Search Input Bar.
I hope you will implement this change for Android.
Hey There,
I have a suggestion with URL Bar.
The Current URL Bar look a bit old.
I hate super round corners, the slightly round corners is one of the things I love about Brave. I love 2000’s era aesthetic not this hyper modern filth, MAJOR turn off for the browser for people with normal design tastes and also a computer is meant to be a usable device and rounded corners are the antithesis of usable and the antithesis of computation.
I support this idea. One thing Brave team could do is to add an option to cutomize the rounded tabs and address bar. Vivaldi browser give this option, we can set the size of the rounded corners. So both users who like or dislike the rounded corners would be satisfied.