Uphold verification error

Unfortunately, this is what a lot of their shitty customer service people do whenever they see anyone mention Brave.

This means the API (the computers) that talk between Uphold and Brave are having a conflict. Sometimes it means you haven’t completed CDD/KYC or in other cases it might mean you haven’t completed your Profile in Uphold.

When I talk about completing your profile, I mean like I show at Uphold and wallet verification - #8 by Saoiray

Also kind of mentioned the same thing below:

Also, make sure you’ve gone through all your email, including Spam. Sometimes they send things there. Usually this particular notice means you haven’t verified your email, did not complete CDD, or they are waiting for you to submit documents (though you should have a notice in your Uphold account when you sign in if that’s the case).

What can be said though, as much as hate to hear it, is that the issue most likely is something that isn’t complete on Uphold’s side of things. It’s just when they respond, they only talk about what they care about in that moment. You have your account done and maybe provided enough information for basics, so as far as they are concerned…you’re good. So that’s what they tell you. They don’t think to inform you, “if you didn’t fill out your profile completely, it won’t connect with Brave. That’s something you have to do on our website.”

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