Briefly describe your issue:
I have had active and verified Uphold wallet on my android Brave browser. Since today it look like “not verified” and Brave ask for “reauthorize”. I do it, but i receive a popup error (something went wrong. Please try again). I’ve alredy contacted Uphold assistance, who check and confirm connection is valid.
I have two connection active, one on pc and one on Mobile
What Operating System and Brave version are you using (Menu --> About Brave)?
Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no) No
What date did you verify your wallet? last time 08/02/2022 20:51
Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past? yes
Are you using a VPN? (yes/no) no
Are you in a supported region ([see here] ( for list of supported regions)?
Yes, i’m In Italy
Does your device pass the SafteyNet check (Android only)?
yes, just done Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices linked to Uphold?? yes
Same issue here. Don’t do what I did and try to reinstall Brave or you will lose your accumulated Feb earnings. Unbelievable that gets cleared out while troubleshooting. Ironically it knows which homepage ads you have seen. Tried to open a few to get back what I lost and 0 credit.
Hi! I’ve solve it last night without unistall brave… Fault is a Brave incompatibility with Uphold app
Unistall the app Uphold from the phone, and repeate the “reauthorization” procedure logging in Uphold by browser.
Than, after the verification is complete, you can install uphold app again
The thing is I am authorized on Uphold. It’s when I’m in the rewards tab it shows unverified. When I go to verify it sends me to a reauthorization page where it sends me to my uphold and a nag message something went wrong and no successful link
The same situation. I tempt also with uphold assistance, and they confirm me that everything in Uphold was ok
How i told you i solve the problem unistalling the app from the telephone, than completing the procedure to the phone browser (I used Chrome on the phone)
Only after this procedure i reinstalled uphold