Uphold Conected and veryfed to browser,Withdraw not working

Hello, @GentlemanJack and everyone!
This questions has come up quite a bit, so I’m going to quote myself if I may:

Thanks for reaching out. This is likely because, as it is now, only BAT earned/accrued after verifying can be withdrawn into your Uphold account. So, assuming you verified today, this simply means that you haven’t (yet) earned BAT after verification.

Further, if you’ve been viewing Brave Ads in browser, you’ll likely have a payout coming up on the 5th of this month – now that you’re verified, this payment will be able to be withdrawn when you receive it. As for the remaining BAT in your browser wallet, the Rewards team is working on a way to transfer over “old” BAT to Uphold as well, although I do not have a date or timeline for when this particular option will be available.

Please let me know if the above is unclear or if you have any further questions.