If a Brave update is available and the “Relaunch” button is prompted on the settings page and a file is currently downloading, and you click “Continue with download”, “Updating brave” will now loop infinitely and there is no longer a “Relaunch” button displayed.
Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.
Have Brave update available and “Relaunch” button present
Start downloading a file
Click “Relaunch” while file is still downloading
Click “Wait for download to complete”
“Updating Brave…” loops infinitely and “Relaunch” does not reappear.
Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):
FWIW, and me personally, I’d never do a “download” activity while Brave (or any other browser for that matter) is updating itself : )
Of course, on my openSuse Tumbleweed Linux box, Brave updates via the openSuse updater tool (not within Brave itself). And on my Android, the Brave update happens via the Play Store.
BTW - is your Brave version REALLY “0.63.48”? … yea, I realize it’s on Mac, but my Linux version is at (Brave Dev channel) is 1.16.49 Chromium: 86.0.4240.55
and on Android, Brave Nightly 1.16.46 (Chromium 86.0.4240.55).
I’ve the same issue and it’s been like that since i’ve installed brave-nightly version…
Every time i hit relaunch it restarts and relaunch button is still there…
This is a bug that must be correct at once and should have an high priority @Bravesupport
My workaround is, i have in my desktop the brave-nightly setup and when the relaunch button appears i just close the browser and i run the setup. After that, it says Brave is up-to-date.