This problem started when my pc got corrupted several times and before each of these corruptions occurring I had installed brave thinking that the problem is solved on the same pc of mine and now when I am trying to reverify my pc after finally fixing the problem I am getting this message " Device Limit Reached | Your wallet cannot be verified because you’ve reached the maximum verified device limit. 9/2/2021 " but the only devices where I use brave is my smartphone and my pc on which I am trying to verify my account again.
Since you have installed Brave multiple times on the same devices after getting corrupted, it will recognize the device as a new device each time, since the old files which Brave could recognize aren’t present. And uphold has a limit of adding 4 devices in a lifetime so you can’t any more devices after the first 4 devices.
Since Gemini has been introduced today, you can use Gemini to connect to your Browser. Keep in mind that it too as 4 device limit.
But this can happen to anyone at any given point in time. Doesn’t Uphold or Brave have any type of policy where they can reset this 4 device limit for a genuine case like this?