Unable to open Sketchup program over last week

I am no longer able to run the program “Sketchup” through Brave.
I have had no issues with this until this last week or so.
When I sign into the program, the program icon appears as normal, but does not progress to the drawing program.
Today I tried the Chrome browser, and the program worked fine.
I have used Sketchup for a few years without issue on the Brave browser.
Perhaps an update to the browser has caused a fault?

**Brave Version is: 1.64.109 Chromium 123.0.6312.58 (64 bit)



Same issue. Running Brave on Win10; heard from another running on iOS. Edge works; Chrome works, etc.; guessing it’s something in the recent release.

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Similar post Sketchup App stopped working in Brave - works in Chrome - #3 by benadam5721

Same issue. Just to note, turning on/off shields has no effect

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