Unable to load Quickbooks Online homepage in Brave, can load in Chrome

I am unable to load my Quickbooks Online homepage on Brave browser. I have disabled both my adblocker (uBlock Origin) and the built in Brave adblocker (clicked the lion icon and turned shields off.)

I can load the Quickbooks website, and login, but when it tries to load my homepage it just shows the loading screen infinitely and never fully loads. When I use Chrome and do the same thing, my homepage loads fine.

I have also tried clearing the cache and opening a new browser window.

To reproduce this issue I would

  1. Go to Quickbooks website
  2. Login
  3. Get infinite loading screen

I would like to be able to login to my homepage.

My current Brave version is 1.73.101

I figured it out. I deleted the cookies from Quickbooks website specifically through Brave settings. That fixed it.

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