How many devices would you say you need to sync between? I’m asking because we’d like to make sure that the limits we put in place aren’t are problem for users.
This is a good idea and something we are considering. It seems that some users would like the convenience of having an non-anonymous Sync account with us where the Sync data itself would continue to be end-to-end encrypted so that Brave can’t access it.
I would say 30-50 would be a good range. I don’t think anyone would have more than 50 devices including VMs, PCs/Macs, phones and tablets. I hope my suggestion is useful to you and the devs.
Thank you. I think that at least for some, that would be the case. I am fine with a non-anonymous Sync account as long as there is end-to-end encryption. The added security of 2FA could be a benefit to those who are concerned about security.
i have the same issue that after joining the device list wouldnt load. , I saw in ‘brave://sync-internals:’ the error code ‘“error_message”: “exceed limit of active devices in a chain”’,how to fix it .
Same problem here I had maybe 30/50 devices connected. But now I dont have access to any of my devices to remove one of them from the chain. what should I do now?