Unable to connect desktop Brave browser to my Premium Search subscription

Description of the issue:
I paid for an annual subscription to Brave Search Premium on my phone (Samsung Note 10+). It works as expected. I tried looking for a way to add my desktop PC Brave browser to my Premium Search subscription and couldn’t find a way to do it. I do have all my devices synchronized on the same sync code and I synchronize everything. When I tried troubleshooting this issue I got guidance (from Leo AI) that I should log in to where I manage my Brave premium subscriptions. So I logged in on my phone and when I scrolled down to Search Premium all it showed was a way to add that subscription. I’ll note here that on my Brave browser, Brave search engine page it does show that I am a Brave supporter. I’m at a loss and don’t know what to do next. Any help is appreciated. Thank you. CJ

**Brave Version: Version 1.76.73 Chromium: 134.0.6998.45 (Official Build)(64-bit)(Mar 5, 2025)

Operating System: Windows 10 Home, 22H2

@CJ_The_CJ you have to link your account. When you bought it on your phone you did so via Google Play. Your Desktop isn’t connected to Google Play, so it wouldn’t see that you have paid for the subscription. So you have to connect it to your Brave account on your phone. Instructions on how to do this is at https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/13405790544653-How-do-I-add-a-new-device-to-an-existing-VPN-subscription

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@Saoiray, Thank you for replying. I appreciate the help. Unfortunately the directions didn’t help me and I’d like to ask a follow-on question. When I purchased the Brave Search Premium Annual subscription, I didn’t go through Google Play. I went through Brave and the receipt came from Stripe. I looked at my Google account and didn’t see any mention of Brave Search Premium. When I clicked on the link you provided, I followed the instructions and clicked on the in the article to “https://account.brave.com”. It showed that I don’t have ANY subscriptions. THAT is weird because I have receipt from Brave/Stripe AND my phone’s Brave browser search is ad-free AND it shows in the browser that I am on a Premium subscription. So… given that, what do you think the problem is?
Thanks again for taking the time to respond. I really appreciate it.

@CJ_The_CJ I apologize, I answered wrong in what I was saying. I don’t know why my brain mixed things up but I answered you as I would for VPN, but you were not talking about that.

That said, you should be able to login to the account like you’re saying and see active subscription associated with the email. But unlike with VPN and all, I haven’t messed with Search Premium enough to answer better.

What I will suggest is for you to create a Premium Support Ticket at https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360003078831 so someone from Brave can better assist you.

And again, I’m sorry for having answered completely wrong on my first reply.

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@Saoiray :grinning_face: No problem! Thank you for the support ticket link. I appreciate it!

@CJ_The_CJ wanted to circle back around. Have they been able to get in touch with you after you submitted the ticket?

This is correct. Simply login to the Premium account page associated with the subscription on your mobile device and click the Open button in the subscription box to launch Premium Search.

Thank you for checking back with me. Yes. We’ve found a solution.
I appreciate your help!