Hi! So I have 34.600 bat pending rewards, a lot of which are from past months, but it won’t let me claim them. One time it had came up “claim ad rewards from September” but clicking claim did nothing and when I closed out, the option was gone, but my rewards are still pending.
Update: After I sent a dm to a Brave Rewards Support account(I’m really sorry if that was improper procedure), my pending rewards have disappeared and not been received. The message thread seems to be gone now as well, so I think it was seen and deleted My pay date has also switched from April 5th to may 5th.
Hi @GangstaChamp21, and what about this, for you?
Can you interact with the Rewards Summary to see past months?
What does it show for you in the bottom part?
Also, what Brave version are you running?
Are/ Were you trying to move your BAT to your Uphold? Or just claim them?
I hope you hear from Support soon. There are others who’ve posted about disappearing BAT, or issues with claiming, so I think it must be something Brave’s currently working to resolve.
I know it’s frustrating, but try to be patient and bump your thread every few days to keep it visible. Have a look around at similar topics to see if anyone has posted some fix or troubleshoots you might try till you hear from Support.
I wish you good luck!
Hello @saereV !! Currently my rewards summary looks just like that with no activities(I don’t think that’s ever changed), and I do not see a way to view any other months.
I am on the mobile android, latest version of brave. I was just trying to claim the pending rewards so that I could move them to my uphold to cash out while it’s up rn haha.
I had the pending rewards today, then shortly after messaging @steeven , they disappeared and the pay date moved to next month so I’m not sure what happened; if it’s a part of the process of getting them or if I’m out of luck. I hope perhaps I’ll receive an explanation of what happened
Thank you so much for your input, I don’t have much experience here so it’s good to hear something!!
I don’t believe you’ve lost your BAT, @GangstaChamp21.
There’s another thread similar to yours where Support was active. I’m going to link to it…
…in hopes that @steeven will notice it and pop in here. I would wait to DM him until he requests it, as he probably has a high volume of DMs right now and yours could get lost.
You could also try this Fix while you wait…
…make sure you read the whole thread, it was updated 2 days ago. (EDIT: Also, that^ is the old version, you should have what I show, below.)
And @JohnDproof suggested this to another user to try:
He also offered a little insight about payments:
In short, with payout looming, it probably accounts for a good deal of the (confusing) changes many of us are seeing (BAT estimate/ ads/ next pay date) right now.
When you say the latest version, do you have this?
Yep! That is the same version! I tried both of the fixes, after force stopping and clearing the cache, the estimated pending rewards are back and payment date apr 5. I guess now it’s a wait until after payments go out and see if I receive it?
Thank you so much for linking those and all your help!! You rock!
Thank you for reporting! Please DM with the following information:
- Copy/paste your Wallet ID (found on
) - Your OS and Brave version (first three lines in
) - A screenshot of your Rewards panel in
Settings --> Brave Rewards
This will help to speed up the troubleshooting. Thank you in advance!
Well…! That’s great! I’m really happy it worked out for you, truly
But respond to steeven’s request to make sure all is indeed okay
I dm’d you! Thank you steeven!
Hey @steeven I still didn’t get any of the rewards this month, and haven’t heard from you, so I wanted to check to see if you figured anything out with it. Thank you!
Hello @steeven, I direct messaged you three weeks ago as well as just now regarding the Brave update that was supposed to fix the problem, and I still have not received the payment that was supposed to be automatically issued today.
Hey, I seem to be having a similar problem - haven’t been able to claim BAT rewards for a few months now, on both my pc and phone. What do?
edit: i was able to claim 1.5 BAT today but my estimated pending rewards still say over 25 BAT, phone and pc
Hey! Steeven, I have sent a DM to you regarding the issue with BAT porting to Uphold Wallet. It would be great if it resolved at the earliest. Thanks.
Payments are still processing April 2021 Brave Ads Payout Status.
@steeven I didn’t receive the credit in my Uphold wallet even for March month. Tried disconnecting and connecting the wallet back, tried updating app, but nothing worked out. Kindly help.
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