Unable to cancel subscription

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I took the trial for the VPN service but abandoned it after one day. I initially made the subscription via my Google Account and checked if it was cancelled there, which it was. But now I got an invoice and a charge to my credit card and I am UNABLE to cancel the subscription?! The cancel button redirects me to my Google subscription, but there is no active Brave VPN subscription there?! It is either a bug on your side or a massive scam.

Either way, I want my subscription cancelled and my money back!

@GuardianTeam @saltybanana please look into this. Thanks!

Hello @chronos38,

I understand the frustration with the charge after cancelling through Google Play. It is possible that there were two trials started by mistake and one subscription was via your phone and Google play while the other could have been made on your desktop directly through Brave. I am happy to look into this further if you could please submit an email via braveandroid at guardianapp . com so that you do not disclose personal information here in the forum.

I subscribed to a trial period of Brave VPN and canceled it 2 days later, but it is still showing. please help me to cancel it so that I do have not to pay money for a service that I am not even using

If you did subscribe via an android or iOS device, most likely must’ve gone through google play store or app store. Cancel it from there. @GuardianTeam can you guys assist? Thanks so much!

I did subscribe bt via PC and I have canceled it but the VPN is still opening

I too cancelled my VPN before the cut off. But I’ve been getting charged since NOV 23! so for 6
months. I didn’t know until tonight! I did it on a PC. I did all the steps and there’s no where for me to cancel or get a hold of support!

Hello @pinkyxbrewster, please create a request here to have the charges canceled.

I looked for where I should go but there’s nothing to get charges canceled or refunded. All I see is that on my brave acct it said my Brave VPN was cancelled Nov 11, 2023 but I don’t have an invoice or anything in my email. But my credit card is saying something different cause I’m still getting charged.

@pinkyxbrewster Hello! I’m sorry to hear of some troubles with cancelling. If you’re able to click on the Brave Help Center link above (provided by @Lou-ee) and select Brave Premium from the dropdown to submit a ticket to us, we’ll be more than happy to assist directly! Please include any additional emails in your ticket submission that you might’ve used, as well as an invoice number from a receipt (if you have one, however this is not necessary, we can most likely find your account via emails provided). Many thanks!