Typing in address bar & image thumbnails not displaying on v1.63.165!

EDIT: Solved in 1.63.169, happy to say! Everything’s working right again.

Description of the issue: Ever since last night when my Brave browser auto-updated (Is there any way to keep it from updating? That doesn’t seem to be an option in the preferences.), I’ve been unable to see anything when I’m typing in the address bar. After entering, I can see what I’ve typed. Also, many sites with image thumbnails do not display the thumbnails at all. (ex. YouTube) If I downgrade to release v1.63.162, everything works the way it should, though.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Open Brave.
  2. Type in address bar.
  3. See nothing.
  4. Go to YouTube.
  5. Don’t see thumbnails for videos.

Expected result: I should be able to see what I type in the address bar, see image thumbnails.

Brave Version( check About Brave): v1.63.165

Additional Information: I’m on an M1 macOS Monterey v12.5.

EDIT: To keep it from updating for myself, after I saw that the app had fully downloaded and would install once I re-launched, I went into my User Library (it’s hidden by default-- go into your User folder, then click View > Show View Options and checkmark Show User Library), then went to Library > Caches > com.brave.Browser > org.sparkle-project.Sparkle, then deleted the contents of the folder with the new Brave version (without deleting the folder itself). Then, (I don’t know if this makes a difference) I locked the org.sparkle-project.Sparkle folder.

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