Hi fanboynz,
That’s correct. I’ve done the recommendations you suggested last night when I was initially running into this issue, absolutely perplexed why my other sites weren’t working.
Some sites I visit, such as fortamoto dot com, nzbgeek and so forth were presenting the initial ‘warning’ message, before I clicked ‘continue’ to visit the site which resulted in a similar error message. Initially, a majority of my websites that I typically visited were experiencing this issue - but when the actual Brave sites started exhibiting this error message, I was flabbergasted. If I could revert my Brave build update to before 4/17/24, I would absolutely love to as last night’s update (I tend to always check for updates for the Brave browser via the About Brave option) absolutely crippled me from logging into my standard fare of tabs.
Disabling the shields, HTTPS, browser data, the aforementioned profile checks as well as also running a quick brave://components update check wasn’t helping me. I loathe having to use any other browser as I’ve grown fond of Brave and was curious if anyone else was experiencing this also.
Right now, I’m responding via email because I’m unable to view the forums in the standard window or in a private window (as I initially was able). Absolute loss for words on my end.