Third try.. Guys i need help! Brave dont send my rewards on Uphold!

Hello guys,

i cant send my BAT Rewards to my Uphold Account. Uphold is verified but it doesnt works.
With my Android Smartphone it works fine since 3 months but not with my PC. I use my PC primary and will send the BATs to my Uphold account. My PC and Android Smartphone are synchronized. Pls help me…

@steeven @Aa-ron

Update: I log off my Smartphone…



if your bats are from referals then you wont get it till they start new referal program i think not sure

Thanks for reporting. We have an active issue on this that the team is investigating.

If you could DM me your Wallet ID, along with the following information for troubleshooting:

1.) Inspect the uphold dashboard page after logging into uphold.
2.) Click on “network”
3.) Find an API call called “me” in the list of API calls
4.) Click on Response
5.) Copy everything after “id”:" and before the closing " to get the UUID of the uphold user

Paste your Uphold ID in the thread.

Thank you in advance!

Hi @steeven,

i cant found “network” on the uphold dashboard. Not in the new one and not in the old one of dashboard from uphold?!

Thanks so much for your patience here. We’re nearly to the bottom of tracking this bug down and implementing a fix. One last piece of information if you’re willing to share that would be helpful for the dev team as they troubleshoot is your Publisher_info_db (please note that some logs may contain personal data or reveal browsing history. They will only be used by the Brave team for debugging.) If you’re willing to send, please follow this steps for retrieving it:

Finder → Go → Hold Option → Select Library → Application Support → Brave Software → Brave-Browser → Default → Publisher_info_db

And submit to

Thank you in advance!

Hi @steeven ,
Have you had any luck troubleshooting my issue?

thanks & regards

Hi @AlperOzer - thanks for following up. Can you DM me the email linked to your Uphold?

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