The Left Leaning Problem in Brave Search

@Smallwheels Check out the links below and read.

Also, you really should visit Brendan Eich’s Twitter. You’ll find he very much talks much of the things you are on Covid and all. You may want to try to educate yourself more on how Search and all works as well. Brave and the leaders behind Brave aren’t reranking Search or anything. There’s no hiding information or pushing any political ideology.

Tweet examples:

Sounds real leftist, doesn’t he? LMAO

Opinions are okay, but you guys need to learn to research things rather than just jump in to make false accusations. I’d also like you to realize that you’re asking for censorship and control of information.

And dang it, I said I wasn’t going to say anymore. I really do need to force myself to stop responding to people on this stuff. Just gets so hard when people express opinions rather than facts. Especially when things go off topic. Okay, I promise, I’ll unfollow this and try not to say another word. Key word is try, but hopefully can do…