As seen in the image, the Brave installer is detected as a Trojan by a mechanism built into
I consider this can damage the trust with newer users since this protection service is used by many people
Expected result:
Brave would be marked as clean by ALL antivirus, but that does not happen. To be clear only ONE antivirus / antimalware detects it as a Trojan,
Brave Version( check About Brave):
It’s the installer, I don’t think the Brave version matters. But anyways, it’s the latest stable version
Additional Information:
I consider this to be an error of Antiy-AVL itself, since none of the other remaining antiviruses considerer the installer of Brave as a threat. But well, I don’t expect the developers to do something to fix this, it’s more to keep you up to date on this issue.
Thank you for reporting. I’m forwarding this information to our security team to review and resolve. I believe it goes without saying that we are not a Trojan and this issue has sprung up ever so often with different A/V software.
@Mattches Of course, it was quite obvious that this was an error of their system itself since no other antivirus detected it (example: high quality antiviruses like Kaspersky or ESET Nod32)
This project has a great future, keep working as you are doing! I wish you guys the best
I know that it took very little time for this to be solved, but I want to alert that another mechanism began to detect it as dangerous. In this case Jiangmin detected it
Clearly the malware (that u can download in that page) comes, for some reason, with the installer and maybe that’s the cause of the detections
For anyone who is seeing this message, DO NOT download anything from there. Although clicking on it is not dangerous, malware is uploaded to that website.
“The MalShare Project is a collaborative effort to create a community driven public malware repository that works to build additional tools to benefit the security community at large”
This is found here
For paranoid people who prefer not to click hyperlinks: