Virus detection

i wanted to install Brave. But my virus detection (surfshark) recognise Drop.Win32.WinSelfCopy.3930 trojan in the BraveUpdate.exe

any sugestions?
Best Heinz

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Same issue here, with Avira.
An idea / suggestion?

Hi, same issue :rage:!!! And like 3 mounths ago, i had Brave installed, then suddenly, multiple brave tabs opened, had to reeboot pc because i crashed cose of it!!! I fortunately success to uninstall it but even now after 3 mounths i wanted to reinstall it but Avira warned me that there is a trojan in BraveUpdate.exe. Name of the detection is Drop.Win32.WinSelfCopy.164121030.
Also Avira just delete automaticly Brave after the install, so any help will be welcomme.

same problem here