Tabs Won't Move and are Popping Out of Window

Tab Movement doesn’t work and jumps out of window

  1. Click and drag a tab left or right
  2. Tab will jump out of window
  3. Try to move tab back into window and see raster image of tab contents drag with mouse cursor and fail to integrate back into window.

Tabs should slide left or right to reorder and not jump out of window and should reintegrate into window when dragged back in

**Brave Version: 1.39.111 and 1.41.14 both based on Chromium 102.0.5005.61

Additional Information: This has happened in the past earlier this year and was broken for a while and was fixed a month or two ago.


I can confirm the same thing is happening on my device. I had to revert back to 1.38.119. I cannot organize tabs or drag and drop text onto the tab bar to initiate search.

I can also confirm, this is happening to me on version 1.39.111 Chromium: 102.0.5005.61 (Official Build) (64-bit), running on Manjaro with kernel 5.15.41-1-MANJARO and i3 window manager.
I also confirm that that has happened earlier this year already and was fixed around 2 months ago.

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