Description of the issue:
Bookmarks & history don’t sync with desktop. When will tab sync finally come out?
How can this issue be reproduced?
Expected result:
Brave Version( check About Brave
Mobile Device details
iPhone 8 iOS 15.2.1
Additional Information:
MacBook Air 2014, macOS Big Sur
February 18, 2022, 3:47am
@Hannover69 ,
opened 06:48PM - 21 Jan 21 UTC
closed 03:02PM - 25 Aug 22 UTC
QA Pass - iPhone X
QA Pass - iPhone
QA Pass - iPad
Epic: Sync
## Problem Description
Add Support to iOS Browser the functionality of synci… ng Tabs and sending/receiving tab information upon request.
## Feature Overview
This feature should support
1. Enabling / Disabling Tab Sync From Settings as a Sync Type
2. Ability to list tabs of synced sessions from other devices and add interactions like open a tab / search / expand-shrink sessions
3. Sync Tabs with the Sync engine on the background when a tab becomes active so other devices can receive tabs from mobile iOS
4. Add "Send To Your Devices" functionality which will present a way to list devices that can receive a Tab and send the tab information to desired device.
5. Add "Receive Tab" functionality and UI for warning/alerting users about the Tab received from other devices.
## Design
Some sample test designs for Synced Sessions List - Send Tab To Device - Tab Received.
These designs doesn't represent the final product look, just some test UX.
## User Experience
1. To enable Tab Sync: Open Tabs Navigate Settings -> Sync -> Sync Settings
2. To display Open Tabs from different sessions: Open TabTray and click Sync Tabs Segmented Control, user should be able to expand/dismiss session from different devices and clicking a item should open a new tab with the url
3. To send a current tab to another device: Click 3dot menu from 3 dot menu either click Send To Your Devices action or click share and find Send To Your Devices action. From the list of devices shown on the screen select one of them and send.
4. To receive a tab from other device: When iOs device receives a tab from another device, a Toast will be shown on the screen and there will be Open action for this tab which will open that tab url in a new tab. Toast will be hidden after a certain period of time
### Additional information
The iOS PR logic and UX improvements are WIP.
The brave-core logic and PR can be seen
Probably before “tab sync”, an increase in the ability to diagnose Sync for iOS, is due, and sooner rather than later, brave://sync-internals will arrive. In process - some info from GitHub (brave-ios):
It may be, that a device must be set up as a hub, creating and dispensing the Sync Code for all others.
The hub should be a device that can produce screenshots of an entire
report output.
Fix #4748: Add Sync-Internals support #4749
“ ”
GitHub - Brave Browser iOS Sync-internals display windows
Add Sync-Internals URL support to view sync info #4748 - Feature Overview:
“Brave Desktop and Android and Chro…
It’s fixed now, I found out that my phone left the sync chain for no reason. But tab sync would be nice!