Swap transaction stuck

Yes, I did that.
At this point I moved to a different wallet and Swapped the transactions I wanted. This wallet /swap still shows the stuck transactions with a spinning submitted wheel. The wallet reads my new holdings, but the activity is still useless.

@Saoiray, that doesn’t seem right to me. The activity page should be empty after clearing transaction and nonce information.

@DingGuy , Can you send a gif or video of you clearing your transaction info so we can confirm that clearing is not changing anything for you?

I’m Not video/Gif savy.
when I click clear wallet transaction, this pop up appears. Type yes. I Type yes, and the pop up closes. Nothing changes.

Screenshot 2023-12-09 144500

Again, you can see from the previos screenshots, even my transaction screen doesn’t look the same, as the bottom of the window doesn’t chow the cancel transaction button that is there for the other poster in this thread.

My transaction screen seems to be cut off at the bottom. no Cancel, no speed up…

@Saoiray , Does the “Clear wallet transaction and nonce information” setting remove transactions from you activity page for you?

Umm, wouldn’t be able to answer now because it seems in my hurry, I hit the wrong menu button. So I just reset my whole wallet rather than clearing nonce. :man_facepalming: And when recovering it, no transactions were there.

That said, I think I did catch on to an issue, @jleonard. Did you realize that when you go to clear nonce, that the Yes we have to type is case sensitive? When I typed yes the box closed and nothing happened. But when I typed in Yes it gave the confirmation box as seen below:


Having discovered that, I’m going to tag in @DingGuy to see if they can pay attention to that, as I’m assuming they typed in yes instead of Yes and then it would go as they said, that nothing happened.

I’d either adjust it so yes and Yes are both proper answers or would at least give some sort of notification so people are aware that whatever they entered was not acceptable and therefore nothing reset. Typing something in, having the box disappear, and nothing on screen kind of makes it easy to assume it was accepted even though it wasn’t.

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@Saoiray , I have brought up this issue with the team. Hopefully we can make this crearer as to what happens when you enter an incorrect value.

Screenshot 2023-12-21 122737

That was the issue. Case Sensitive on the yes.
I would stress that to the team, considering I got frustrated with Brave Wallet because of the issue, and downloaded a new SOL wallet on Mobile that is very user friendly and I probably won’t be going back to the Brave Wallet.

I have submitted an official issue for the reset prompt: Prevent clicking “OK” when input is invalid for wallet (transaction info) reset prompt

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