Brave Wallet not allowing me to send my fund to Metamask and they are stuck in the wallet (On Binance Smart Chain Mainnet)

Description of the issue:

Are you using the (new) Brave Wallet or the (old) Crypto wallets implementation?

I am using the latest version of the Brave wallet and browser.

How can this issue be reproduced?
I transferred money from Binance to my Brave wallet (on Binance smart chain mainnet), but I am unable to make any purchases on pancake swap using the brave wallet. Furthermore, I can’t even transfer my funds from Brave wallet on the Binance Smart chain to my Metamask wallet on Binance smart chain. I have already spent two days trying to find any possible way of doing this but nothing seems to be working.

Brave Version (check About Brave):
Brave is up to date

Additional Information:

I can provide my Brave wallet address, if you would like to look deeper but I need to resolve this issue.

Hi and welcome to the community. I can’t help with your issue but I did have a question.

The new version (1.36.109) of Brave was released a few hours before you posted. A lot of Brave Wallet issues were updated with the release (Release Notes 1.36.109). Are you updated to version 1.36.109 and Is this problem still occurring?

If you haven’t received any help from a community member or a moderator in a couple of days, you may want to tag a moderator for help. Mattches and Steeven are the moderators who provide the most community support although other support staff pop in to help.

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Thanks for the message, I have updated the Brave browser before posting this message. I have tagged @moderators to this message, hopefully we can resort this issue.

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Usually @brian is the one who best can figure this out. Of course, he’s blocked the ability to message him from the forums and I haven’t seen him lately. I even sent him an email last week but no response.

In any case, I hope that he will be able to pop in and somehow help you. Then eventually I hope he can get back to me on clarify me on some things on Brave wallet and all.

Ugh, voice to text butchered that last sentence. Just edited so it all makes sense. You would think that I would learn to proofread whenever I decide to try to do voice to text but a lot of times it looks like it comes out good and I just run with it, only to regret it afterwards. lol

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I don’t know if @moderators is an actual tag or just takes you to the moderators “profile” page… usually I just use the specific name as above. So, @steeven and @mattches just in case. lol

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Thanks for letting me know, new to this as you can tell. @steeven @Mattches

When I try to connect my brave wallet to pancake swap, it says “User rejected the request.” This is recent before it was connecting but not allowing me to buy anything.

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Is there any other way to get help? I can’t pull my funds or transfer them from my brave wallet.

Sorry for the delay. If you are still having issues, could you take a screenshot of your binance chain settings in brave://settings/wallet/networks and editing the binance smart chain item? It sounds like something might not be configured correctly.

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