Unable to get crypto out of my brave wallet

I now tried different wallets to sent my crypto too. It never passes and the error message is always the same.

I tried to send USDC via the Solana network.

Also the Amount of USDC I tried to send is not 0,428503 but 428,503.

Hello! How much SOL do you have on the address?

Are you attempting to send to a brand new address?

Thanks for confirming!

0.000909519 SOL
0,2085 $

This is the amount of SOL in my account. But I am also unable to swap my USDT to SOL.
And yes some addresses I tried where new but I also tried to sent them to older wallets and to my exchange platforms.

A screenshot of my activities.

There may not be enough SOL to fund the new address. https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/27490686330125-What-is-the-Associated-Token-Account-Program

What error do you see when attempting to swap a small amount of USDT to SOL, not the entire allocation?


The amount should be enough but even if thats the issue, I am also unable to swap or bridge the USDC

What error are you seeing on that screen when attempting to swap?

Did you add the USDC token manually or was it added automatically for you in the wallet? Thanks!

I was hesistent to put more SOL to the brave Wallet because of the issue but I tried it and the problem is solved. It was a missing SOL amount.

Thank you for your support and apologize the inconvenience, I am new to crypto.

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Not a problem! Happy to help. Thanks for your support.