Did a Solana swap brave wallet 16/12/2023 its still processing

Please only post Brave Wallet inquiries in this category – visit the Brave Rewards category for all related rewards issues.

The Brave Team will never ask you for your recovery phrase or private key.

Description of the issue: did a Solana swap brave wallet 16/12/2023 its still processing !!

Is the issue occurring on a specific network? brave wallet

What operating system are you using? windows 10

Brave Version (check About Brave):
Version 1.63.96 Chromium: 120.0.6099.199 (Official Build) nightly (64-bit)

Additional Information:
its says submitted on the left a spinning circle this since 16/12/2023

Hello! If you reset your “Clear wallet transaction and nonce information” history this should resolve the issue. It can be found here: brave://settings/web3


Thank you very much all is okay now

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