Support Reading List Sync on Mobile


  1. There is no longer an “Add to Reading List” option in the menu, unless you add it through custom flags.
  2. The Sync feature does not have an option to turn on synching of Reading List.
  3. Even if you turn on synching of Reading List from a desktop Brave version that is synching to this Brave mobile instance, Reading List still does not sync in either direction. (Links added to Reading List on either device do not show up in the other device’s Reading List.)


  1. Brave mobile should have a U.I. to add pages to Reading List.
  2. Brave mobile should have a U.I. to sync Reading List.
  3. Brave mobile should actually sync Reading List with linked devices in the same sync chain.

I support this request. It seems odd that the desktop version of Brave has Reading List yet mobile versions do not. IMHO users are likely to browse items on mobiles whilst travelling or skim reading and want to save those items for more detailed reading later on whatever device.


Does anyone know if the reading list on mobile devices will ever be supported?. It seems like a quick win to implement this and make functionality consistent across desktop and mobile devices…

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Isupport this request. It would be great to sync my reading list with mobile, as I usually save it on the desktop and want to read anywhere whenever I have time