The browser already has a crypto wallet. Why does Brave need to use a partner provider? This immediately disqualifies anyone under 18 from using the crypto features of the browser and is less privacy-friendly compared to storing it in the Wallet. Neither provider cares about your privacy.
- Why can’t I get paid directly to Brave Wallet?
- Why is a custodial partner necessary?
- Why can’t we link to Binance or some other exchange?
- Why is KYC/AML required?
Also you may want to consider Search Before Posting as you may have been able to find answers to your question and seen that your request has been addressed many times.
That said, there are some potential changes coming that Brave is working on. If it goes in place, it will allow on chain payouts. They are thinking this might happen on Solana. They haven’t given any ETA on this but instead advised it’s something they are working on. That said, it’s been something they have been working on since Brave was started. Originally they were doing it through THEMIS and I guess THEMIS has now changed to BOOMERANG or whatever.