I have been using Brave for 1 month now on my PC Phone and Laptop.
And after 1 week of using on all devices notifications stopped coming on Phone and PC and they are now coming ONLY on my laptop i have been searching for FIX for this for 1 week now and i have all the settings set right everything is working in my country (Croatia) but on this 2 devices ads just stopped coming. Any suggestions please help as quick as you can.
Thanks for writing in! What OS and Brave versions are you using? Do you use a VPN?
I am not using any VPN’s. I am on Windows 10 on my PC with
Version 1.9.72 Chromium: 81.0.4044.138 (Official Build) (64-bit)
which i think is the newest one. On my phone i am using Samsung A6+ (Android) and i am in my Play Store it says there are no avaible updates for Brave. I just checked in app itself it says 1.8.112, Chromium 81.0.4044.138
Hi @Galas_0072 - thanks for the info. It is likely that you have exhausted the ads catalogue currently available in Croatia. Once new campaigns begin, you will begin to see ads again.
So you are saying that I just need to wait for future updates and hope that in one of those it gets fixed (there’s nothing what I can really do) right?
that is strictly not true. I also have no ads on my desktop browser and my language and region is UK based and I have the latest version on Windows 10 (also no VPN)
Brave is up to date
Version 1.9.72 Chromium: 81.0.4044.138 (Official Build) (32-bit)
please advise
this is not ad exhaustion related
the only diff at my end is that I had added the presearch crypto search engine extension
Hi @Ibzpetkar1 - it sounds like your experiencing a different issue. Do you receive ads without the extension?
No it’s the same issue (as had no ads before I added extension) but I will try to prove it by removing the presearch extension and report back
No new ads I’m afraid I removed presearch and any other extension leaving the metamask extension as that has been there for some time
Have any users commented on extensions stopping ads coming through?
Can someone please advise what I should do next please?
I raised this 5 days ago and I am yet to be told of any sort of action plan other than diagnostic questions that I have answered already
I have removed Metamask to be sure yesterday as well. Still no ads today unfortunately. Can someone advise what to do next? I now have no extensions messing around with the desktop browser
In addition I checked notification settings in my windows and see Brave is in the list and enabled (i clicked this off and then on to jolt it back into action - unfortunately no ads).
I also searched for lastPageclassification settings in the client.json file however I cannot find this setting
in JSON file i see following:
page score history is only one that has the bunch of numbers/refs
notifications.json = {“notifications”:}
I also tested notifications using attached website - no issues here. successfully receiving test notifications
Hello @steeven . All guys have got their ad view payment but still I am not getting my payment. Is Ad View payment process is completed or still running please help? I am using window 10 pro. Brave latest version Version 1.9.76 Chromium: 81.0.4044.138 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Message me on Monday if you still haven’t received.
Yes bro, Still not receive. OK I will message you on Monday.
@steeven are you able to advise on my original post? I also DM’d you a few days back my files set up on my desktop
Any help is much appreciated
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