Stopped receiving ads. Last ad 3 days ago!

Are you able to receive general desktop/push notifications?

  • Yes I got a notification.

Are you in a supported region (if so, which one)?

  • Yes, Greece.

Give us a brief description of the ads behavior you’re seeing

  • I haven’t seen any ads since 3 days ago.

What OS/Brave version are you using?

  • |Brave|1.21.77 Chromium: 89.0.4389.90 (Official Build) (64-bit)|
    | — | — |
    |OS|Windows 10 OS Version 2009 (Build 19042.867)|

same issue in Italy
not receiving ads for a week

Hello, here’s the same problem. It coincided with a browser update, I don’t know if is related.

same… in malaysia here

same her sinds yesterday no ads on my laptop and pc. Update: Solved the pc problem some how laptop still not working

Same issue here. In Germany. I receive new tab ads, they are even in the “ad history” but they don’t give any BAT at all

Same issue for me in Ireland, stopped getting ads over a week ago.

Check this link to see how many ads are available for your region. If there aren’t many, you might not see them very frequently.

Also, are you using a VPN?

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Does anybody know if the ads are related to the BAT value? It is the second time that this happens to me. The first time happened months ago (last august) when the bat raised its value.
I’m pretty sure this problem is not related to my (or your) brave: I have 4 pc and no one receives a single popup for 10 days (the same also when in the new tab appears the sponsor).
I have the feeling that when the bat raises its price, the ads are stopped or delayed.

No, it has nothing to do with BAT value. There are several known conditions that can prevent ads from showing or being counted.

First of all, each region has a different set and number of ads available. Regions with fewer ads won’t see as many ads or as often. Advertisers, not Brave, set the amount of BAT paid per ad. There is a limit of 40 ads per day in all regions, and a limit of four sponsored-image ads per hour (additional sponsored-image ads in a given hour will not generate any BAT).

Secondly, ads display can be affected by Windows focus-assist settings, VPN use, certain browser extensions, use of a gaming mouse, etc. There are probably other conditions that haven’t yet been identified that can keep ads from being displayed.

There are very few Brave team members available to help thousands of users, and sometimes pinpointing the cause and finding a fix can take a while.

@rosiecar thanks for the answer. I checked the campaigns for my country (Germany) and it seems to be not a problem. I’m not using any plugin for mouse or gaming, nor a VPN. Also, the focus is ok. As I said, I have 4 pc using brave and no one is receiving anymore a single ads.

Strange thing, all the browsers don’t have anymore the ads history.

If you have any idea, please let me know. Thanks

The ads history is only for the most recent 7 days. If it’s been longer since you last received an ad, there won’t be a history anymore. Hopefully @Mattches can help further since it appears that several of you, all in Europe, stopped receiving ads at the same time.

I also have the exact same issue

@rosiecar Many thanks again. I didn’t know that the history is visible only when one ads have been received in the last week.

Here a picture from another computer (only because I’m using it at the moment). You can see in the left bottom corner, the sponsor. Till the beginning of the month, I received “0.0something” bat for it. Now it appears, but I’m not getting anything.

I checked the file publisher_info_db and I don’t see any strange thing. Do you know if there is some specific field/table to check?

Yeap same problem that everyone is facing ever since the update 2 months ago

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Same probleme since march 14

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I have the same issue and I’m in California, not Europe. Haven’t had an ad popup for days. No opportunities to earn any BAT.

I have the same issue.

My first linux laptop receives ads fine, but not my second one, even after a clean OS install.
Furthermore my main win10 PC received approximately 3 adverts in a years period after fresh OS installation and have done all suggested troubleshooting, very thoroughly and have run out of ideas…

I have a new problem. In addition to not receive ads anymore, I should receive the rewards today.

Till yesterday I had “next payment 6 April”. Today I have “next payment 6 June” (why June not May?) but I didn’t receive anything and the browser shows the old amount (you can see in my old picture in this thread).

What is happening??

Payout is currently processing, @kikkus.

Follow that post to watch for any updates posted by Support. Read it and check you have everything set up all right, and just wait a bit longer - it can take up to several days for some. Good luck!