Slack/Discord links do not open in brave

I know this is similar to other posts, but I haven’t seen any solutions posted on those so here goes again. Slack and Discord links don’t open in Brave, I have the latest brave and latest slack version and the links do not open. As a test I set my computer (running windows 10) to chrome, clicked a link in slack as well was discort and they open fine in chrome, setting the default browser back to Brave and links in Slack and Discord no longer work.


  1. Open Slack/Discord
  2. Set Brave as default browser in windows 10 system settings
  3. Click link in Slack/Discord.

Expected result:
Link opens in new Brave tab.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.70.126 Chromium: 129.0.6668.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)

could someone please post a fix or a work around?

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Go to site sitting it should have an option about pop up and redirects. Check if it is in allowed.

Thank you for your reply, I just tested it and that didn’t work, it only allows websites to do that, not external apps like Slack and Discord (tangental to the topic I wish there was a prompt setting for that)

Hello. I had this happen once. I ran an update on Discord to the latest version.

Have you checked to see if you can update Discord?

everytime it boots up.
I’m on
stable 335807 (9c8684c)
Host 1.0.9166 x64 (53429)
Build Override: N/A Windows 10 64-bit (10.0.19045)


Can you screen cap or video clip what you are seeing?


1.Go to the discord website
2.Turn off the brave shields.(click on the shield next to the line to type the web address)
3. Done. Now the invitation to the discord server will pop up in the Discord app.

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