Skype not work on Brave

When I use Skype invitation link as guest, the following message is shown:

Browser not supported

Use Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome to access Skype for Web experience.

1.4.96 Chromium: 80.0.3987.132 (Official Build) (64-bit) Sürümü]

Windows 10

Can you please provide us with the exact steps you take in order to reproduce the issue you’re encountering?

someone can send a invitation skype group link to anybody who has skype account or not. when i open a link like this, i saw the message i sent. i think when anybody use the skype from the browser on computer, the result will be the same.

Testing on my end, I was able to send myself a Skype session guest invitation to myself from one PC to the next. I was able to open the link and join the session without any issue. Can you tell me what your Shields settings are set to when you land on the page after attempting to join the session(with the error msg)?

all schield was active except scripts protection.

Would you mind sharing a screenshot of the error message you’re describing?

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