Sites with notification request popups freeze

Description of the issue:
When websites ask permission to give notifications (android popup/dialogue), brave freezes.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary):

  1. Visit site that likes to give notifications eg

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):
Locks up. Have to swipe brave aside in tab view and relaunch

Expected result:

Reproduces how often:
Brave Version(about:brave):

Mobile Device details
Lenovo 8703f tablet
Android/iOS Version
Additional Information:

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Force stopped and cleared cache. Issue persists

And it freezes

I’m unable to reproduce this on my end when testing on my Android device (Samsung S9+).
Let me ask around and see if I someone on the team has a comparable table to test against.

Given the image you provided, I’m assuming this happens for any site requesting to show you notifications?

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Yes, any site that requests notifications.

I haven’t uninstalled / reinstalled yet in case diagnostics are required

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There have been a few updates on Android since your initial issue, can you confirm that you’ve updated to the most recent Android release? Version 1.0.82 at the time of writing this.

Additional things to check:

  • Try visiting a site with a prompt, turning your your Shields down for the site, then proceeding and see if the prompt crashes the browser.
  • If you view [the site] in Desktop view, does the notification still crash the browser?

I have the same problem. I tried the fixes you mentioned above but no luck.

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Can you tell me the Brave version you’re using as well as what kind of Android device ?

@Mattches Brave version: 1.0.88
mobile : Huawei Honor 7x android 8.0

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Still looking into this – appreciate your patience.
Does the browser freeze for any pop-up or permissions requests or is it specific to requests to send notifications?


sorry @Mattches for late reply. the browser freezes only for the notification requests.

Hi, I have the same problem! the pop-up message appears and I have no possibility to activate or reject notifications. I can only go back and continue browsing the page.

I use twitter, facebook and instagram therefore it would be very important for me to be able to activate the notifications.

My phone is a Huawei mate 9 with android 8.0.0. The Brave version is 1.0.92.

They could help me, thanks.

@Mattches just encounter this issue myself. And its not only for notification request. But any permission request (location, etc).

Tested with shields down, and its also freeze as soon as request appears.

Will try to add the recording of the issue again later. It’s not uploaded from my Brave.

Here’s a record with shields down.

Android 8.1, Brave 1.0.91 from Play Store, Redmi Note 5

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Apologies for the late reply.
I’m still unable to reproduce this but I’ll file an issue for this by EoD. Please let me know if you recognize any patterns or other relevant factors that trigger this.

Here I send captures of the problem. The screen is completely frozen without the option to allow or block. Se agradece ayuda.

@adrymate9 @eljuno,
Testing on my end, I’m unable to reproduce the issue. Browser offers to Allow or Block notifications from site in question (tested using Community, FB, Gmaps). I’m wondering if its somehow related to non-US users, although I’m not sure what the connection there would be.

@adrymate9, can I ask if you’re located in a region outside the US? In addition, does the browser freeze when you receive a permissions request of any kind or only for notifications? For example, in the recording @eljuno posted above, browser is blocked when asking for permission to use device location – do you see this same behavior or is it specifically permission request for notifications?

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@Mattches It is correct that the browser offers allow or block notifications and is one of the important reasons why I use Brave.
Remember that I am referring my problem to the android version.
I use Twitter, Facebook and Brave Community, all within Brave.

To answer your questions, my location is in Arentina. Regarding the freezing of notifications it would seem that it only happens for notifications, since when the poster of cookies goes out in any website, for example, I can press “accept” and the browser responds.

It would be a great help to be able to solve the problem. This question is very important for me.

I apologize for my confused language, I try to translate as best I can. I await comments. Thank you.


No worries on the translation and thank you for the information. I’ve reached out to the Android team to see if we can reproduce the issue on our end.
Would you mind telling me what type of device you’re using?


@Mattches Sure, I told you that my phone is a Huawei Mate 9, exact model MHA-L29. Running Android 8.0.0.

It would be great to be able to retrieve the notifications, I think that is the only thing that is missing for you to hesitate to change it more !! .

I insist, for various reasons I do not like to have installed on my phone or Twitter or Facebook for this reason is that I want Brave notifications. If you want some additional information to solve the problem, do not hesitate to ask for it.

I hope you keep me informed of the results of the application. I await your comment. Thank you.