Please include Vertical Tab on the next version on Brave
I hope we could chose on which side to place it… I vote for right side.
I vote for right side, too!
In the meantime, you could give to this flag a try:
and a small button will pop up close to the “minimize” button, and a vertical drop-down menu will display your open tabs.
So now that Edge v89 has vertical tabs which I love, when can we get them in Brave?
I’d love to see vertical tabs in Brave.
Bonus points if we can choose which side.
My monitors are not that wide… Hoping it’ll be optional…
Already available
I don’t know the developer and prefer a native implementation by the Brave team. Too many instances of compromised browser extensions to feel comfortable trusting someone I’m unfamiliar with.
This has been available for years even before Microsoft edge released this…
it is a good extension as i am using if for very long… you can choose left or right, auto close, reload tabs, squeeze webpage…etc
you can also get black theme if you use extensions like Night eye as it applies black color also for the extension.
I see that it’s open source which is great, but for compliance reasons I avoid most extensions. My workstation being compromised would be disastrous on so many levels.
I’m glad that the extension works great for you. I still would like to see a native implementation within Brave.
Try chrome://flags, and look for “Tab Search”.
Relauch Brave.
You will notice a small round button near to minimize " _ ".
Click on the round button.
The main advantage for me, it’s located on the right side of my screen, and it’s more convenient for me. Not like other extensions, placing the side bars on left.
by the way, I was using “Tab Mate” extension prior to know about that flag.
+1 on adding this as a first class native feature. I’ve been using it in Edge since it was added, and love it. The available Chrome extension adds an iframe and shows the tabs vertically, but doesn’t actually hide the horizontal tabs. The “Tab Search” feature nice, but isn’t the same thing. Please consider adding this as an (optional) feature that users can turn on if they want.
+1 for native vertical tabs.
+1 fun fact that if you write to google brave v it suggest brave vectical tabs. So it is most searched thing at brave what starts with v
I should agree, the native implementation will reduce our paranoia. Also, the extension is kind of be buggy and unusable for me.
Developers, please, introduce at side bar with tabs!
- Tree style tabs are not required so much
- Hiding original tab line would be great
We’re asking to Brave to turn into Vivaldi… btw, How’s going the new reading list experimental feature? It’s supposed to display not only your reading list but your bookmarks as well (the very thing not displaying in my case) but it should not have to be difficult to implement the tab list there…
+1 for native vertical tabs.
At this stage, I’ll take either side.
Need Vertical Tab’s ASAP!!!