Setting ad blocker in Brave

Hi. I’m sorry, I may be addressing the wrong section. But I would like to ask for help in setting up the built-in ad blocker in Brave. I have enabled several filters, but they don’t completely remove ads on all sites and I have to use the Ublock extension additionally. I have seen that many Brave users only use the built-in ad blocker and customize it. I would like to customize it as well.

which adblock filters are you using?

I use several filters in Brave’s built-in ad blocker: EasyList Cookies and RuAdlist

Okay, which ads isn’t it removing?

I myself am from Ukraine and go to Ukrainian sites. Let’s say I go to a news site where I see an advertisement. That is, as far as I understand, it does not remove Ukrainian-language advertisements. But I cannot say that it is only Ukrainian-language advertising. Maybe on other Russian-language sites it also skips ads. Unfortunately, I can’t check absolutely all variants. Ublock blocks all ads on the internet + has cosmetic filters.

Just a sample of sites so I can see what is going on

So far encountered the problem of advertising these two Ukrainian-language sites. If I see them somewhere else, I will complete the list.

@Rubogen Brave has cosmetic filters and blocks ads as well. Both pretty much use the same filters as well.

If you know how to use syntax, you can create your own filters as you please. Otherwise it’s generally good to make sure you have uBlock Annoyances and Fanboy's Annoyances active for content filters.

That said, nothing is flawless. Generally if you find a website where ads show or other issues, you just report those sites here and the filter lists get adjusted so those sites won’t show ads again.

Also, you can Block Element if you see something particular. Such as I went to one of the sites you mentioned, I saw the below:

That right side is just one big banner of ads. If I wanted, I could right mouse click → BraveBlock Element. From there it grays out the screen and wants me to click on the element I want to block. I can find where the ad banner is and click on it, then Create the custom filter to remove it:

With that done, that page now looks like below:

If I ever want to remove that, I just go to brave://adblock and can delete the line. You can see some multiple custom filters I have, with the one we just did appearing on the bottom:


That all said, it’s generally better to make sure to report all sites here that way they can adjust filters and help keep things ad free for everyone.

1 Like iframe[name][style*="display:none"]:not([id]):not([class]):not([src]):remove()

The following filter ^ :remove is still a work in progress


Thank you for your detailed response. I have read everything you have written. I have tried many methods to block these ads, including the filters you mentioned. Unfortunately, it had no effect. Before writing here I tried blocking methods and only then created this topic:)

As for blocking ad elements individually, I have also tried it. Side ads are selected correctly and blocked. But the advertising at the top and bottom, which is larger in scale, it is not highlighted, but the whole page with text is highlighted. That is, the advertising object itself is not highlighted when pointing at it, but a large part of the page is highlighted along with the news. Developers of sites that insert ads understand all the tricks blockers. Therefore, they make it so that advertising could not be completely blocked or block some of its elements:)

If my problem is fixed, please can you post here that everything has been fixed. So I can then check and make sure :slight_smile:

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