Set "" as search engine

I’m trying to add “” to the search list in Brave mobile (it locks safe search to ‘strict’).
My understanding is that to get new search engines onto the list I just manually enter the website and do a search - this isn’t working for this site.
Is there any way to do this?

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Mobile Device details
Samsung S7, Android 8


DuckDuckGo is already available as a search engine.
In settings → search engines

Please don’t hate me if the one I mention and the one you say are totally different XD

It can’t be done, the problem is the normal DDG and the Safe one share the same opensearch.xml, which is something, apparently, they didn’t have a brain to think of.

So even on desktop, you can enable the indexing of other search engines and it will add the normal not You would have to manually modify it, which is not allowed in Android.

But the only way for you to deal with this is by using the adblocker.

You need go to brave://adblock and add, p, 1) and done, that will set the cookie for the strict, every time you go to ddg. of course, you can only turning off by removing the rule or adding a ! at the beginning of the rule !, p, 1)

The set cookie is a little limited by design, it only allows pre-fixed values and values from 0 to 15. So the good thing is STRICT works in DDG, because it has a positive digit, for off it doesn’t work because it uses a -2 value.
For example in Brave search it wouldn’t work, because Brave uses the word ‘off’ or ‘strict’, so at least you can workaround this issue by using the adblocker in this case of DDG and Strict safe search.

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Thanks Emi - I’ll see if I can get that working

Thanks man! I didn’t know this. Appreciate you giving your time to explain this.

@anon57438784 Thanks again for the info - this is exactly what I was looking for.

Just a note here for anyone else reading this… Emi’s instructions work on Brave desktop and android but there’s no GUI link to ‘content filtering’ on android so you just have to paste ’ brave://adblock into the URL box.

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