Serious Lag with Scrolling pages

Ok. I have a M1 MacBook Pro. Have been using brave browser for years. Along with duck duck go as the home page. But ever since Mac went to Sequoia upgrade. Scrolling on a web page just plain lags. And it doesn’t matter what web page. Go to a news site or X. Facebook or Amazon. It lags like its cacheing thru a terabyte of data. Figured maybe the browser has to many cache and cookies in it so I clean them out. Which the weird thing with that is before the upgrade. I rarely cleaned out my cache and cookies file. But going up to the right and clicking Delete Browsing Data and selecting allTime. Doesn’t solve my scrolling on a web page problem. It seems that after some time it gets better. But right after you tell me there is updates. Boom too scroll on a page is choppy at best. Have to wait for all the webpage to load in before I scroll smoothly. This has been ever since Sequoia came out. You might say go to apple and if you do. I will drop supporting Brave Browser. I can open up safari and scroll like a champion. This is all inside of Brave. Do you have some setting somewhere that I need to change?
Thank you

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Just my own humble opinion

Apple Mac “M” machines, are designed to race. “You” have to learn how to handle that race horse - keep the engine reigned in, a bit.

Hardware / Graphics Acceleration can be a problem, and testing:

  • disable Graphics Acceleration

is almost always, the first thing to do - gently pulling back on the reigns:

And check out smooth scrolling:

respectfully, this makes absolutely no sense. other chromium based browsers don’t have such problems with apple M series chips.

they have much stronger single core performance than other comparable chips, which is the most important for web browsing. Brave also used to perform a lot better just a few releases ago, but now objective scores like speedometer show a big drop in performance (415 to around 280)

@wherzdaluv , @nintendork07 ,

Brave Browser (MacOS) issues at GitHub:

The search field:

Understanding the search syntax

Another search:

Screen Shot 2025-02-02 at 9.46.07 AM

Another search:

Screen Shot 2025-02-02 at 9.48.27 AM

Another search - SCROLLING:

Screen Shot 2025-02-02 at 9.50.17 AM

So you get the idea, on how to search for issues at GitHub, and find out what the status is - if any.

Learning how to participate at GitHub; and, learning Git:

Brave Search UI has wrong Serbian language translation - #4 by 289wk

@nintendork07 ,

Brave Browser is not Google Chrome, nor Microsoft Edge:

Brave Browser Development

About Chromium - somewhere online, a few years ago, I found:

“Intrinsically, Chromium is a Google project maintained by many authors (developers, engineers, graphic designers, security researchers … ) from Google, Adobe, Amazon, ARM, Brave, Cloudflare, Facebook, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Igalia, Intel, Logitech, Microsoft, Mozilla, Nvidia, Opera, Samsung, Vivaldi, Xiaomi, Yandex … and external contributors.”

Chromium is not only a web browser. It is a blend of different important open-source projects:

Deviations from Chromium (features Brave disables or removes)

Chromium source is fetched

Brave code is fetched

Hooks are run

What Chromium features are removed for privacy/security reasons?

Services & Features We Disable Entirely:

Advanced Privacy - A long list of Brave’s behind-the-scenes protections and commitments.

Brave’s advanced protections. Built right into the browser.

Brave’s policy, compliance, and research commitments.

Brave Browser performance issues on the Mac, I cannot fix. But I adjust settings, and sometimes that is good enough, until somebody at Brave manages to fix the issue.

I posted the Searching at GitHub information, because I want to make that chore easier for you - learning how to search at GitHub.

Of course, Chromium has its issues:


Scrolling is not working in Chrome on Android device

And, I posted that, so you may learn how to search for issues, there.

It was the extension called Stylus, which I only use for Youtube. I tried disabling extensions before, but didn’t fully restart the browser to test. I was able to fix this issue by changing the extension’s ability to access “all sites” to only allowing it to access Youtube.