Troubleshooting technical issues is much easier when both the user and support agent practice clear communication. For this reason, we have provided the template below for you to fill out with information about your issue. Please provide as much detail as possible so we can most efficiently resolve your problem.
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Description of the issue: How can this issue be reproduced?
i just browse the internet, or watch youtube videos. it doesn’t seem to be a site specific problem
Expected result:
the browser crashes constantly, the pages take forever to load and it lags extremely. The problem occurs several times a day, at unspecified times… Sometimes not for hours, sometimes 3 times in a row. #
Brave Version( check About Brave):
Additional Information:
Macbook Pro m2 Pro chip
never had the problem, has only been occurring for a few days now and is really really annoying…
I can confirm on my macbook air m1, performance is significantly worse on 1.74.48, especially noticeable when zooming in & out of pages with a double tap.
My speedometer 2.0 score (that I test with every new version of brave) dropped from 415 to 370. when I run it twice, it drops even more to 285!!
Hi there,
I also tested my perfomance with speedometer 2.0 and my results are also devastating… . My performance is at 275!
I also found out that Youtube is significantly more affected than other sites.
I really hope they fix this problem.
I love Brave and the features, but in this state it is not usable. .