Description of the issue:
I have the “Show Search Suggestions” toggle off, however, I still have my history and bookmarks suggestions showing up. I actually don’t mind having the browser in use suggest popular searches, but the reason I turned the suggestions off is because I don’t want my bookmarks or my history showing up when I search. I have bookmarked certain sites that may appear as concerning to someone who doesn’t understand why I’m using them, which makes it very challenging to use brave in a group setting, or allow someone else to search for something on my phone. For the same reasons I don’t want my history to appear either, in fact I would have history recording turned off if that was an option, it’s becoming very annoying to have to manually delete it. The reason I don’t use private mode for this purpose is because it auto clears all tabs when it closes, whether by crashing, closing the app, or even if I just need to simply look at a non-private tab for a second. Private mode is incredibly unreliable, because of this and how often it crashes just from overloaded operation.
How can this issue be reproduced?
- Have History and/or Bookmarks.
- Have the Show Suggestions toggle switched off.
- Have a need for the toggle to actually work.
Expected result:
Interpretation 1: History/Bookmark suggestions remain when searching.
Interpretation 2: Developers resolve this issue.
Brave Version( check About Brave
Version 1.14.2
Mobile Device details
iPhone 7+, ios 13.3.1
Additional Information: