Saved group tabs keep disappearing

Description of the issue:

I have about 5 saved group tabs with various numbers of tabs per group and they keep disappearing whenever I’m launching Brave at the start of the day. Whenever I use the browser, normally all grouped tabs along with other tabs that aren’t on a group open as usual but a few days or so I no longer see them opened, as well as the icons on the toolbar (left part of the folder bookmarks).

Now I’d recreate all the saved group tabs every time it happens. Today is the 4th time it happened and I apologize if I’m also unable to locate a similar issue/solution here in the community.

The only thing that is opening up is a couple of tabs that were opened from yesterday’s session. These do not belong to the grouped tabs. Thank you for the help!

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. I use Brave after turning on the PC and all my saved group tabs are gone

Expected result:
restoring all my saved group tabs

Brave Version( check About Brave):
v 1.68.137
Windows 10 v22H2 build 19045.4717

Additional Information:

  1. my On startup setting is Continue where you left off
  2. Delete browsing data on exit is all blank
  3. Sync settings is sync everything

I’m having a similar problem. The tabs in all the groups (well, most of them) do not open again when re-opening Brave. The saved groups appear on the toolbar and when I click each one, all of its tabs then open up.


I have the same problem. The group tabs with synchronization on keeps disappearing every time I restart the computer. I noticed all the group tabs disappear in the history with the same device shown multiple times. See screenshot. There is a bug in synchronizing group tabs?



Same problem here. It’s happening on my work W11 machine and at home on my W10 computer. I have gone to the point of right clicking on each group tab, unchecking ‘save group’ then rechecking it before shutting Brave down. This has been happening for the last few weeks and may corresponding to a software update.

Edit: I had problems with this two years ago, but it eventually resolved itself: Tab groups lost / forgotten


This is happening to me as well. Mine only seems to happen after an update is applied to Brave though. I have checked the settings for the groups and made sure they are set to “Save Group”. This is very frustrating…

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I also tried to do this, turning off then on the save group so it “forces” the browser to sync the tabs but does not work. I got tired of creating the tabs repeatedly and just created a folder bookmark instead so I can right click > open all the saved pages.

I recently updated to Brave Version 1.69.162 Chromium: 128.0.6613.120 (Official Build) (64-bit) and encountered the same problem. What fixed it for me was enabling a few options in brave://flags

Edit: Enabling these flags might cause a bug where Brave would create duplicate saved tab groups of opened groups everytime you exit Brave, which is annoying.

In that case please disable both ‘Tab Groups Save and Sync V2’ and ‘Tab group sync service migration’ flags.
Just keep the ‘Tab groups Save UI Update’ to ‘Enabled’. And manually delete the unwanted duplicates. That should work

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I will try this and report back. I really don’t need all these tabs open all the time. So if this is a no-go, I’ll try the bookmark thing mentioned above.

You don’t have to keep them open all the time. Right click on the groups you don’t want to show up, and select ‘hide group’. When you need to open them again, you’ll find them in the left corner of your bookmarks bar if everything is set up well.

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cool, thank you for this! will try enabling them and see if this resolves the issue. cheers! hope it works

exactly this is what I do, just hide group if not needed and open… only when they are saved there haha! it’s also missing on that left corner when they’re supposed to be. but I’ll enable your trick under the brave flags. thank you!

This did not work for me. When I open Brave, the group only shows one of the many tabs, with the rest ungrouped. And I now see duplicate tabs. I don’t know what’s going on, but it sure is frustrating.
Edit: I did have the Tabs Groups extension enabled. I will try it with this disabled. Maybe it will work fine.

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haha this worked for a few days and goes back to the original issue I was having. I’m now sticking to bookmarking all of my grouped tabs, thanks! unfortunately, no responses from Brave as well


Update: And magically, just a few minutes later after posting this, my saved groups have populated again in the bookmark bar. The only thing now is the extra PC device. I’ll wait a few days and see if everything stays as is, then I’ll delete the phantom device.

I have the same issue. Just noticed it today. All my saved Tab Groups are gone, which I needed… And when I look at Sync, magically there’s another device with my device’s name (PC). Weirdly, the “other device’s” last Sync date is Aug 31, 2024 which can’t even be true because I checked my Sync a few days ago by chance, and it was just my phone and my PC. To clarify, now it’s my phone, my PC (This device), and my PC again.

There must be a way to “consolidate” two devices with the same name together, because I’d bet my save groups are with that “other device” now.

okay, so what’s weird is that since enabling the tab groups under brave://flags per @hurrshhh I’m now getting multiple names of all my tab groups haha! I turned off or disabled the three options and they won’t disappear haha!

Yes mate, after recent updates to Brave I faced the same problem. With some duplicate tab groups having lesser tabs saved, so I had to check them one by one and delete the duplicates manually. Every time I’d close brave with any tab group still open, there were duplicates of it created automatically. It was tough but atleast I got my saved groups back. Thankfully I was able to look more into it and realized its the ‘Tab groups Save and Sync V2’ and ‘Tab group sync service desktop migration’ that were causing this problem. So I disabled them and its working fine now, no more duplicates. Even though the V2 UI is better than the current, its not worth the annoying duplicates. I’ll edit my main response as well.

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Just happened here after updating to:

Brave is up to date

Version 1.71.121 Chromium: 130.0.6723.91 (Official Build) (64-bit)

I tried the flags, but my saved tab groups have not come back. I had about 11 or so groups. Completely mia. Device sync shows this Windows PC listed 4 times… that can’t be good. But nothing is working to get my saved tab groups back.

Something is off. The whole point of syncing is so they are available across all of the devices. I have something weird going on because my PC is now listed 4 times. This latest update (Version 1.71.121 Chromium: 130.0.6723.91 (Official Build) (64-bit)) broke it and I can’t get them back at all.

I updated to Brave Version 1.71.121 Chromium: 130.0.6723.91 (Official Build) (64-bit) and have this problem. I tried the brave://flags to try to get the saved tabs back, but no luck. Not sure what is going on or why they suddenly vanished. Isn’t sync supposed to make stuff like tab groups persistent even after an update (sync all is on).

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I tried toggling the save group off and on to force the browser to sync the tabs, but it didn’t work. I got tired of recreating the tabs, so I made a bookmark folder instead, allowing me to right-click and open all saved pages at once.