I’ve been using Brave for over a year and I was earning BAT, no problem. A few months ago, it stopped working and now there are no rewards being earned. I’ve checked the obvious settings and can find nothing that would explain why I’m no longer earning BAT tokens. I have a few screenshots if that would help?
Many thanks
Macos 12.6.3
Brave 1.50.121
Wallet was verified with Gemini but that’s no longer supported in my region so have just verified with Uphold.
Possibly. All depends on what it looks like. Originally I was going to say it could be related to https://brave.com/rewards-changes/ but then at the end of your topic, you mentioned that you just verified with Uphold.
When did you connect your Rewards to Uphold? Are you seeing ads? And if seeing ads, you’re saying not earning BAT?