Report Ticket is not Responded (Device Limit Reached)

Hye, this is my first issue since 2 years of using Brave. I love this browser and their rewards system.

However, recently I’ve encountered an issue where there is an error linking my Brave Reward on Android to Uphold. It is said that, the device limit is reached. But, I only used it for my Windows laptop and Android phone. So, It should be (2/4) of the limit and currently (1/4) since only my Brave Reward on Windows linking to Uphold.

I have issued this problem using “Wallet Unlinking Request Form” several times and seems no response from the Brave support.

I hope someone from the support team can help me with this issue. Thank you in advance.

My Reference link on Wallet Unlinking:

You wont get a reply. They will simply unlink the wallet when they get to your ticket. Regardless of only using 2 devices, if you have uninstalled brave, reset your phone or anything along those lines, that wallet will now have to be unlinked as you have a new wallet id on that device. Happened to me and took me a couple months to figure it out. Give it a few days and try again.


Alright, I’ll try again in a few days. Thanks for the insight. I’ll update again if it is solved (i.e. Mark your reply as the solution). :grin:

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Hi @irfanaffandys, this should be processed today or tomorrow.