Referral Statistics and dashboard gone missing!

My Publisher’s Referral statistics and dashboard went missing from today. @steeven please help me. what is wrong. or it is a server issue???


Yeah it is happening to me as well.

Same here why there r so many problem in brave. My brave dashboard disappeared from 2day I’m shock now what we should do inorder to fix this issue

Same issue here!

Referral stats and referral link option disappeared!

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I am also having same issue
Brave kindly respond

What is going on? Are we out from The Promotion refereal program?

Same here :frowning:

Yes same here. Also I have had this message for over a week.
“The payout report is currently generating. Please check back later.”
I am new to the publisher programme and haven’t recieved a dime as yet. Although I have had lots of downloads and installs. I have wlrked tirelessly to promote on my channel with no reward.

same with my account

I can’t observe my statistics either

@steeven any assistance?

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@steeven help l cant see the control panel or the graph

Hi all, thank you for reporting! If you haven’t already, please DM me the email linked to your account.


hi all publishers have the same error. you can check in your system

hi all publishers have the same error. you can check in your system

@steeven has the publisher payment started?

Hi @loved4g, a fix for this has been deployed.

Payments have not yet started to process.

[email protected]

Chek sir My Dashboard Not Show

okay i see system is ok now . when payment in process start ?

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