I didn't get any reward from Feb

I have one install and two downloaded with referral link in Feb, but it didn’t pay out this time. Can you tell me what were the period for march payout?

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You only get paid for confirmed and not download nor install.

What are the difference between confirmed and the others? Download or Install means nothing?

I believe confirmed means a “confirmed” 30 days of usage. Download means they clicked your referral link and install means they installed the executable.

wow you only get paid when they use 30 days of usage of brave? who will want to be referral then?

Mentioned here https://brave.com/refer/.

And we’ve a support article for the difference here https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025284131-What-do-the-referral-metrics-on-my-dashboard-mean-.

And IIRC it’s should be mentioned too when you try to opt-in to referral program fro the first time.

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