Version 1.21.74 Chromium: 89.0.4389.72 (Official Build) (x86_64)
Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6
when clicking View the drop down window always shows
Enter Reader Mode as grayed out
so there is no option to enter reader mode
regardless of which website i choose
i've read a number of old threads that are now closed about this but can not find any fix
has anyone a suggestion ?
I believe that the feature is behind a flag currently and can be enabled by going to brave://flags and searching for a #brave-speedreader
flag and setting it’s value to Enabled
thankyuuu , i had no idea about Flags
i did a search and i enabled 2 things
but unfortunately it has not resolved my issue
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miracles of miracles …after waiting some more time all of a sudden an icon of stripes
appeared next to the website address
which allows you to click Speed Reader either On or Off
thankyuuu,your suggestion has created some positive magic
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You’re very welcome.