Profile Error occured 2022

**Description of the issue:
I don’t know what caused this error to emerge. When I open Brave i get a small popup stating:
“Profile error occured: Something went wrong when opening your profile. Some features may be unavailable”. I am looking for a way to fix this. My Profiles are still shown with the correct names and logo, but all the passwords, linked accounts and cookies are gone.
What I tried so far:

  • Reinstall Brave (leave my data on the computer)
  • create new brave user directory using cmd line. (brave –user-data-dir=“write a temp path here”) and afterwards open brave again to check if it is fixed (this was suggested in an older thread)
  • In Appdata delete “local state”, “Web Data” & “Web data -journal” (this was a suggested fix for google chrome)

I don’t know what I can do anymore. I don’t want to loose all my data, because this would be problematic for me.
Maybe the Support can offer a solution for this.

**Expected result:
Profile opens Normal and accounts, passwords etc. are accessible

**Brave Version( check About Brave): Version 1.39.111 Chromium: 102.0.5005.61 (official Built) (64-bit)

Additional Information:
No additional Information

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same here, first time it occurred about 5 days ago
Sites load long and without some images

Seems like it was this in my case:
I have run brave from link “C:\Program Files\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe” --profile-directory=default

but actual name of profile is “Default”

upd: error message is gone but sites still loading too long , no errors in console

@20100 @feequs Hi and welcome to the community. :slightly_smiling_face: I am a community member too. I can’t really help, just providing some additional information you may not be aware of that may help.

This issue may be originating with chromium and not particularly Brave. Have you tried opening a different chromium based browser to see if you get the same message?

I couldn’t find any recent open issues doing a search on Brave Community topics, Brave reddit community, or Brave GitHub issues. However, there have been recent posts in other reddit communities which make me think this may be a chromium regression.

This error seems to have been popping up in chrome previously. Posting two links below that provide information for correcting.

Please make sure you have backed up your Brave-Browser folder, preferably to an external device, especially if you are changing or deleting information from the Braver-Browser/User Data folder. You can restore the Brave-Browser folder if you lose your Rewards information and may be able to restore any earnings and/or balances if your Rewards are unverified. Your Brave Profile Path can be found at brave://version.

Source: can i create bats backup? - #4 by CerealLover
Note: Consider backing up entire Brave-Browser folder too and not just User Data folder.

Hope this helps!


Thank you for your long and detailed reply. I will look into the propositions you made and will post an update if I was able to fix the issue.
Gotta find the time to work on the fixing.

Best Regards

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I also am having this problem which started last night. My “history” does not appear, and all bookmarked web pages “thumb nails” are not present.
I am not very “computer savy”, so I do not know how to begin to “fix” this problem. Any suggestions?
Much appreciated, thank you!
I am using Windows 7 Premium 64 bit, on a desk top computer.

Update at 4:01 pm EST.

I have noticed that on my bookmark titled Files, are missing various bookmarked sites. Quite a few actually, and the “Bookmark” files listing, has been rearranged also. I notice that on the right side pull down menu were “History” is listed that it is showing “sites visited”, however when I desire to click on that “History” tab, which takes me to the “history” section where I can have it erased, there are no visited sites listed!

I sure hope somone can inform me what to do…soon.
Thank you…

I tried all the suggested steps, but was not able to fix it this way. Since this was taking way to much time I just removed Brave completely saving my bookmarks and some other specific files and then installed a fresh version. Now it’s working without problems.

It’s a pitty, but for me it was the right decision I think.

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That works! :slightly_smiling_face:

For anyone reading this topic, just be aware there is some risk involved in this method. Sometimes, in rare instances, the restore does not work. Most users do not have a problem but there is that rare user who does!

Take care. :slightly_smiling_face:

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